
Leadership & Life Coaching for Success

The Virgin Springs region of Death Valley will be the location for our Vision Quest offering in the spring of 2018.  This beautiful setting truly comes to life in the spring with the blooming of desert wildflowers creating a stark contrast to the surrounding desert hills, valley, and arroys.

The ceremony known as Vision Quest has  been practiced for millennia by indigenous people  as a traditional  rite of passage for youth and  adults experiencing a major life change.  The experience is one that simultaneously challenges the mind, body, and spirit.  

Our modern version of this ceremony honors the intent and fundamental process of it's traditional roots.  After an initial 2 days in base camp gaining familiarity with the surroundings and setting intention, participants spend four days and nights alone without food in a remote solo site.  During this time participants are fully supported by in their personal work by basecamp leaders.  It is within this space of solitude and fasting that the mind becomes quiet and the inner voices of self knowing are amplified.  Typically, the solo fasting time is rich with insight, healing, visions, and dreams.  

Leaders assist the participants with understanding and integrating their experiences after they return to basecamp.

Most people find the Vision Quest experience to be at the least an enlightenment of one's self.  And in many cases the insights are life changing in their challenging of the current personal status quo and opening of doors into new possibilities.

Space for Vision Quests are highly limited and our 2018 group is already over half filled.  Register soon to secure your space.

DATES:  March 17-24 2018
FEE:  $750

Carol Parker:  clparker@cybermesa.com


David Nicewonger:  david@d2alchemy.com

Vision Quest 2018 In Death Valley