
Leadership & Life Coaching for Success

Culture must be intentional.  Unfortunately it is more common for culture to be accidental.  Rather than being the product of careful consideration that includes defined behavioral qualities, most cultures are shaped by the natural behavioral preferences of the leaders.

How can culture be intentionally shaped?

If a culture is defined by desirable behaviors and those behaviors are understood it becomes possible to start shaping the desired culture through positive reinforcement of desired patterns of behaviors.  And if enough leaders adopt the desired behavior patterns then the desired culture can emerge.

How well do you understand your Current Culture?
It starts by understanding your current culture as it is defined by the dominant behavioral patterns of those individuals in positions of leadership.

Using a Behavioral Preference Assessment it is possible to assess the behavioral patterns of individual leaders; and within those spaces of behavior where similar patterns of preference are shared by a majority of the team, the current culture of leadership can be understood and defined.  Unlike most assessments that look at individual personalities, the Behavioral Preference Assessment evaluates where individuals naturally prefer to spend their time and energy.  These are behavioral choices.  And unlike personality, behavioral choices are exactly that – choices.  And through positive reinforcement different choices can be made and difference preferences can emerge.  When a new behavior is adopted by enough of the team, a new culture can emerge

Once the dominant behavioral patterns are understood they can be compared to the behavioral patterns that are defined as the desired characteristics of the culture of the organization. It is in those spaces where dominant existing patterns do not match with desired patterns that the opportunity to shift culture through influencing and changing behaviors resides.

You can intentionally change the culture of your organization.  And with the change of culture you will seen an acceleration toward the results and performance outcomes that are the top priorities for your organization.

D2 Alchemy can help.  Contact us and explore how.


Every Organization gets exactly the results that the culture of the organization supports.  Culture will either support or kill strategy and performance

Three Key Questions to Ask

1.  Is the culture of your Leadership Team supporting the achievement of organizational goals or are one or more elements of culture hindering you from reaching your highest potential as an organization

2.  Do you understand the defining quality of your existing culture and how it is impacting performance?

3.  Are you actively shaping your culture or are you allowing your culture to passively take shape?

 Unlocking Cultural Transformation