
Leadership & Life Coaching for Success

The New Leader

An unfortunate reality is that success and high performance in a defined "contributor" role does not necessarily translate into success as a leader. Simply promoting someone who is a strong contributing worker into leadership without providing some training, mentorship, support, or coaching is often a formula for a frustrated leader, decreased organizational performance, and unhappy employees.  In many cases the very behaviors and qualities that made them successful in their work may become a hinderance in leadership.  

An important first step for new leaders is defining and adopting a style, vision, and approach to leadership that fits within their personal values and results in success for the organization.  Coaching can provide new leaders with the support that they need in their first weeks, months, and year in a new role.  Coaching has often been used as a supportive function that is not extended to lower, middle, or newly placed management. However, for a minimal invest early in a leader's career, an organization can find accelerated performance and diminished struggles for the leader, the teams they lead and the organization as a whole.