
Leadership & Life Coaching for Success

Welcome to D2 Alchemy.  Centuries ago the process of alchemy was held within the realm of magicians, wizards, and the alchemist.  Then, the fabled prize was turning lead into gold.   Today we may no longer seek the mythic physical transformation of lead into gold.  Rather, it is personal transformation that is the sought after prize. There is nothing quite as powerful as the combination of clear intention, human will, appropriate motivation, and a strong supportive environment to spark and catalyze personal alchemy.  Whether within an individual, across a team, or throughout the culture of an organization, change and transformation is possible.

We support that process of transformation and in those spaces where intention, motivation, and desire come together we empower individuals to discover their own inner powers of alchemy. At D2 Alchemy we are not the alchemist but are merely facilitators of change. Whether for an individual or a team or an organization, meaningful change always comes from within.

There are many approaches and facets to how we can support and stimulate change from within.  It starts with intention and desire for change.  From there we invite you to explore the information within these pages and find the supportive formula that will work for you. Please contact us with any questions. 

Best wishes on your Journey,

​David Nicewonger

Alchemy -  al-ka-me

A power or process of transformation into something that is of greater value and increased usefulness