Do you Ever Find Yourself Thinking:

  • No matter what you do you can't seem to make progress on personal goals
  • There are recurring themes and patterns that are frustrating or interfering with your personal goals.
  • There is a sense of restlessness.
  • What has worked for you in the past just no longer seems to be working.
  • There is some specific challenge that is hindering your happiness and success in life.

Personal Coaching is aimed at supporting people in getting out of their own way, building upon what already lives within them, and develop new patterns and choices that support personal goals.  The D2 Alchemy approach to personal coaching supports the individual in leveraging existing strengths while also identifying spaces where new behaviors or choices might enhance the personal journey we each take through life.  Our nationally certified coach brings hundreds of hours of coaching experience coupled with a philosophy that is deeply embedded in the foundations of proven coaching methodology.  Augmenting these experiences and training is years of study and practical experience in shamanic practices that hold at their core an understanding of the energy dynamics for people and circumstances.

As both a Certified Coach and a Shamanic Practitioner, David Nicewonger is uniquely qualified to support you in your personal journey.

  • Certified Hudson Institute Coach
  • Shamanic Practitioner
  • Certificate in Transformational EcoPsychology
  • Studied with Elders and Healers from Peruvian, Navajo, Lakota, and Asian traditions

Contact David for a complimentary initial consultation to determine if personal coaching might be of value to you.  If you decide that you want personal coaching to support you on your life path, he will work with you to develop a personal coaching plan that best supports you.  And if he determines that some other type of support other than coaching would be of benefit to you he will be pleased to support you with a referral to an appropriate resource.

One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world - making the most of one's best.

Harry Emerson Fosdick

Personal Coaching:

"​Today is the best day of all of our lives.".

​Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

"He was not only able to get me where I wanted to go, but pin point the actual areas that were in the way for many years. The things that I could not see no matter how much I analyzed! He lead me to further depending on myself and trusting myself. I live out of a deeper place in my life, and I'm enjoying every day! Thank you David!"     Victoria - Personal Coaching Client


Leadership & Life Coaching for Success