
Leadership & Life Coaching for Success

​Executive Coaching

The D2 Alchemy advantage is a certified coach who has sat at a desk in the C-Suite

The idea that the person at the top of an organization has fully arrived as a leader and no longer can benefit from the support of a coach is a fallacy.  It truly is lonely at the top and from that space there are often fewer people for the leader to turn to for input or to just talk through ideas.  For the new Executive the transition into being less hands on and embracing a different role can be a challenge. Coaches can help the top Executive navigate the waters of a new role in the organization.  Or a coach can be a valued resource for exploring new spaces and specific challenges as they arise.

​The D2 Alchemy advantage is a coach who has been an Executive, sat in the C-Suite, and understands the unique perspectives that must come into play when making operational, strategic, or philosophical decisions that can impact people, position and bottom line.  Being very clear in the role of coach that the relationship is not one of advisor or consultant but rather one of an experienced Executive who can bring that perspective and experience into the dynamic of coaching other Executives.