
Leadership & Life Coaching for Success

The Harrison Assessment:

Are you Behaviorally Agile enough to successfully navigate your way to success?.

​We are the product of our choices in life and how we choose to behave is a vital component to our success.

Do any of the Following Situations Apply to you?

  • It feels liketime for a shift or change in careers but you just don't know what direction to take.
  • You are struggling in your current role and are uncertain about what changes within your self would contribute to greater success.
  • You want to prepare for that next step, advancement, or promotion and what to know what new skills and behaviors you can start adopting now     that would help you prepare for success.
  • Some part of your life or career is in crisis and you want to know what specific changes would support personal growth and development.
  • You sometimes wonder how your personal behavior choices are impacting you, those around you, and your career.

The Harrison Assessment can support individuals in career choices, job success, and personal growth/development.  We truly are a product of our choices in life and how we choose to behave is a vital component to our success.  Different roles, jobs, and situations, call for different behaviors.  The question to ask is whether you have the behavioral agility to function effectively to specific situations as they arise?  What may be a natural behavior could, in fact, be hindering success without any awareness of the impact of the behavior.  But Behaviors are Choices and in understanding how our preferred behaviors are impacting specific roles or situations, we can then adapt and adopt different behavioral patterns that support personal growth and success.

Learn more about the Harrison Assessment here.

Or Contact us for a free initial consultation to determine if the Harrison Assessment might be of value to you in your career or personal journey.